Review by:
Joel (5), Evan (5), Elisha (5), Luke (4), Mom
Mom's Review: This is hands down one of the cutest books I have ever seen! This is one of my top selling titles and well loved by every kid who sees it. The mouse is a cutout that moves through slots throughout each of the pages. His little adventure through the house makes for lots of laughs from the kids. I especially like that he always travels in a left-to-right fashion to promote early reading skills. You will absolutely love this book. It's fun, it's different, it's definitely worth adding to your collection.
Elisha's Review:
(Mom) Elisha, is this a fun book?
(Elisha): Fun book? (She doesn't say much yet. :)
Luke's Review:
I love the mouse running all over the place and trying to get the cheese. My favorite thing about the book is because he moves all around. It's a fun story. Two thumbs up!
Joel's Review:
I love this book. The story is really fun to read and I like putting the mouse in the holes. My favorite part is when he climbs through the man's pajamas and the man screams. Two thumbs up and kids will like this book and they should get it!
Evan's Review:
This book is really funny because the mouse runs all over the pages and you can move him through the holes in the pages. Kids would like to have this book because it is fun to read.
Mom's Tip: Especially for those with younger kids- get some brown felt, trace the mouse that comes with the book, and instantly you have a soft version of the mouse ready for your child to use in the book. This will make it easier for little hands to slip the mouse through the slots on each page and will keep your book in tip-top shape!
And remember, Usborne Books has a lifetime replacement policy. If your favorite books become damaged in some way, you can replace them for just 50% retail price, so that your books will last long enough to be handed down to future generations!